Vancouver Island Refugee Response Team

As the Refugee Response Team assessed the needs and gaps within each region, resources were created to help fill in those gaps and provide a comprehensive source for community stakeholders. We hope the resources below will assist you as you support newcomers and provide services.


Academic Summer Camp Report

Coordinated in collaboration with the Red Cross, this summer camp was a successful event wherein Syrian newcomer families met teachers, Syrian children took basic ESL and math courses, and community integration was coordinated for newcomer families.

Education Resources Materials

In response to the needs of our education working group table, this resource was created to provide additional support for teachers and educator staff in their work with and for Syrian newcomer children.


Housing Proposal Template

In Greater Victoria and in some parts up island, housing vacancy was very low while the market price for homes remained staggeringly high for newcomer families. This template was created in order provide a backdrop to potential landlords, property managers, and housing developers for housing Syrian newcomer families. It addresses the concerns, details and reasons for housing a Syrian family while highlighting the positive experiences that other housing providers have had.


Tourism/Hospitality Template

Employment for newcomer refugees often faces a large amount of barriers. This template was created, in similar response to the Housing Template (above), to dispel some stigmas that employers may have while addressing the support systems that are in place for newcomer employees.


MOA/GP Health Services Package

In response to health clinics across the island in need of cultural awareness, understanding the IFHP billing/service procedures, and providing service oriented perspectives for staff, this resource was created to enable the medical sector to understand and serve newcomer clients well.

Dental Care Template

Due to the impending need of dental care supports, this template was an initiative created from Regional Liaison of Cowichan Bay. The template invites local dentists to help and serve Syrian refugee families. It can be catered to any geographical place where there is a need for dental services.

Medical Care for Refugees Template

Modeled after the dental care template (above), this form addresses the details of caring for Syrian refugee families and makes a call out for other General Practitioners to serve newcomers.


Mid-Term Evaluation Summary

Half-way through the RRT process, the team conducted a survey by which questions were asked of other participating members, reflecting on the RRT process, meetings and initiatives. This is a summary of that survey and the responses allocated.

Annual Report - March 2017

The Provincial Government of BC created a contract for the Refugee Response Team to be conducted from March 2016 to March 2017. The RRT created a final summary of achievements within each regional community, a summary of data related to Syrian refugee settlement on Vancouver Island, challenges faced by certain sectors and recommendations going forward beyond the end of March.