As of October 2016, we have seen many exciting employment opportunities provided to Syrian newcomers. The VIRRT has been able to create opportunities for youth and for the working adult. For a complete list, please click here.
While we are thankful for sucessess, we realize that there are still Syrian families without any source of independent income. In February of 2017, income assistance will become a reality for those who are still without work in just a few short months. A family of 5+ is only allotted $1,200 a month for living expenses, including medical and housing needs.
The VIRRT and all of our members see the upcoming year-end mark for Syrian families as an imperative priority. We must give ample resources and provide extensive networking in order for Syrian families to avoid the pitfall of income assistance.
Our goal with employment is to:
- Create more opportunities from Environmental Scans of available jobs on Vancouver Island, looking at market demands and matching them with skill assessment.
- Document and help implement small-business development and social enterprise for Syrian women wanting to make additional income.
If you are an employer, hiring a Syrian newcomer is not only beneficial to your company but will greatly help fulfill the demand and market need on Vancouver Island. Please visit our Resources page below for an extensive list of toolkits to help employing Syrian refugees, cultural sensitivity tools, and success stories of employers on the island and across Canada hiring Syrian newcomers. Please contact us if you are willing to be added to our list of employers who are ready to hire Syrian newcomers.
If you are seeking to help Syrian newcomers find a job, please visit our Partners page below for a list of businesses partners who are helping the employment process.